Joint Legislative Ethics Committee

Office of the Ohio Legislative Inspector General


Termination of Lobbying Engagements

When lobbying activity ceases, the lobbyist or employer must terminate the engagement in OLAC within 30 calendar days. A confirmation email will be sent to the lobbyist and employer upon the termination notice being filed.

When an engagement is terminated, the corresponding Activity and Expenditure Reports must be filed.

–        For example- if a lobbyist terminates their engagement as of April 1st, the lobbyist and employer are required to file a January-April Activity and Expenditure Report.

Lobbyists can file their corresponding Activity and Expenditure Reports upon the engagement being terminated.

Employers of lobbyists can file their corresponding Activity and Expenditure Reports at the time of termination if all engagements are terminated. If the employer has lobbyists still registered they will continue to file their tri-annual reports as usual.