Joint Legislative Ethics Committee

Office of the Ohio Legislative Inspector General


Still Representing that Client/Employer? Terminating An Engagement

Is a contract with a client ending? Are you leaving your current employer for a new position? Did your lobbying activity cease?

The Office of the Legislative Inspector General must be notified within 30 days of any termination of lobbying engagement(s) which occur prior to the expiration date listed on the Certification of Registration.

[R.C. 101.72(D)(2), 121.62(D)(2), 101.92(D)(2)]

Engagements may be terminated unilaterally at anytime via either the Lobbyist’s or the Employer’s OLAC account. Termination outside 30 days will require JLEC assistance to input in OLAC.

Once an Engagement is terminated, the Lobbyist and Employer must file Activity & Expenditure Reports for the Reporting Period during which the Engagement was registered. The AER may be filed at any time following the termination date until the Reporting Period deadline.

Note for Employers: An Employer may only file an AER early if all of its Engagements are terminated. If any Engagement remains registered, an Employer will not be able to file its AER until the end of the Reporting Period.