Joint Legislative Ethics Committee

Office of the Ohio Legislative Inspector General


10 Day Non-disputed Notice

Before a reportable person is individually named as an expenditure recipient on an activity & expenditure report, the lobbyist or employer must provide a non-disputed notice to that person at least ten days prior to filing the corresponding activity & expenditure report.

The non-disputed notice must be in writing and provide: (1) the date of the expenditure, (2) the amount of the expenditure, and (3) a description of the expenditure.

A model non-disputed notice form is available at

Please note, non-disputed notices for expenditures occurring during the January – April 2019 reporting period, must be sent by today, May 20, 2019, in order for the lobbyist’s or employer’s activity & expenditure report to be timely filed by May 31, 2019.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact JLEC at 614-728-5100!