Joint Legislative Ethics Committee

Office of the Ohio Legislative Inspector General

EthicsFinancial DisclosureLobbying

National Conferences Meals & Beverages

As a general reminder, Members and legislative employees are prohibited from accepting more than $75, aggregated per calendar year in meals and beverages from a legislative agent.

Meals and beverages provided by a legislative agent to a Member while attending a meeting/conference of a national organization to which any state agency or political subdivision pays membership dues do not accrue towards the $75 limit. However, the meals and beverages exception to the $75 limit does not apply to legislative employees. For employees of the General Assembly, meals and beverages provide by a legislative agent while attending a meeting/conference of a national organization accrue towards the $75 limit.

For further guidance, please see our 2017 National Conference Guidance. As always, the staff at JLEC is happy to answer any questions you may concerning reporting requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact our office at (614) 728-5100.